Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year, Womb Twins & Multiples!

The holidays are a quiet time around here, as are birthdays, but let's hope everyone had a meaningful Womb Twin Day on Dec 21. Another year full of chances to heal and grow is ahead and I couldn't be more excited! When I think back over the past year, I realize most every womb twin survivor I met in 2012 has been more than twins, mostly triplets to be precise. They are all same gender identical twins with a fraternal opposite gender triplet. I suppose there are different ways to word that...Funny how you would end up calling three born babies of mixed gender "triplets" but in utero they are really 2 sets of different kinds of twins - with two being same gender possessing a closer identical-twin bond, alongside an opposite gender fraternal separate-sac kind of relationship with the third. So who is a twin and who is a triplet when two of the three have a closer bond to each other, yet only one of the identicals becomes the sole survivor who must live life masquerading as a Singleton? Hmmmm... Over the holidays, the company I work for merged with another company (absorption alert!) and within one week a womb twin in need of healing has already appeared as a result (can you say "aha moment" "carthasis" "amen"!?!) When things meet - people, synchronicities, magical unfoldings of connectivity at just the right moment, so much transformation can come through! More to come. I have been reflecting on how effective the Womb Twin Healing Path is and would like to do some writing this year about the later stages of this particular healing process and getting on with the life you never lived. Believe me, It's Weird! Truly a case of "Be careful what you wish for" until you adjust. I gave myself the past year to be sure that I can absolutely declare how healed my body, spirit and, for the most part, mind has become and I feel confident in saying I am at a place of peace that I never thought possible because I didn't know how confused I was about the psychodrama that was my womb story and that this was not how life was for everyone. What a tremendous relief to feel ok about it all now and get on with things. What you resist definitely persists, in fact festers, but it does get clear and it can be released. And then what? A rehab there has not been a rehab for! That's what I have more to share about in 2013. On that note, you can believe me when I wish you the very best of health and wholeness in the coming year. Do the work - it's worth it! Let those defenses down and get to it because you have arrived at this place right now for a reason. Womb Twin is here to help - what a blessing there is a place to go! Be well, special ones...Monica

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year, Womb Twins & Multiples!

The holidays are a quiet time around here, as are birthdays, but let's hope everyone had a meaningful Womb Twin Day on Dec 21. Another year full of chances to heal and grow is ahead and I couldn't be more excited! When I think back over the past year, I realize most every womb twin survivor I met in 2012 has been more than twins, mostly triplets to be precise. They are all same gender identical twins with a fraternal opposite gender triplet. I suppose there are different ways to word that...Funny how you would end up calling three born babies of mixed gender "triplets" but in utero they are really 2 sets of different kinds of twins - with two being same gender possessing a closer identical-twin bond, alongside an opposite gender fraternal separate-sac kind of relationship with the third. So who is a twin and who is a triplet when two of the three have a closer bond to each other, yet only one of the identicals becomes the sole survivor who must live life masquerading as a Singleton? Hmmmm... Over the holidays, the company I work for merged with another company (absorption alert!) and within one week a womb twin in need of healing has already appeared as a result (can you say "aha moment" "carthasis" "amen"!?!) When things meet - people, synchronicities, magical unfoldings of connectivity at just the right moment, so much transformation can come through! More to come. I have been reflecting on how effective the Womb Twin Healing Path is and would like to do some writing this year about the later stages of this particular healing process and getting on with the life you never lived. Believe me, It's Weird! Truly a case of "Be careful what you wish for" until you adjust. I gave myself the past year to be sure that I can absolutely declare how healed my body, spirit and, for the most part, mind has become and I feel confident in saying I am at a place of peace that I never thought possible because I didn't know how confused I was about the psychodrama that was my womb story and that this was not how life was for everyone. What a tremendous relief to feel ok about it all now and get on with things. What you resist definitely persists, in fact festers, but it does get clear and it can be released. And then what? A rehab there has not been a rehab for! That's what I have more to share about in 2013. On that note, you can believe me when I wish you the very best of health and wholeness in the coming year. Do the work - it's worth it! Let those defenses down and get to it because you have arrived at this place right now for a reason. Womb Twin is here to help - what a blessing there is a place to go! Be well, special ones...Monica

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