Our beloved Althea, will be laid to rest on Thursday in the UK, her burial will be well attended by her family, church and community. She asked for donations to be given ALS (isn't it just like her to pick a disease that is trending via Ice Bucket Challanges?) but isn't that also just like her to ask for something unselfish to the cause she worked so hard to make into a non-profit organization serving what turned out to be roughly 3000 womb twin survivors of which 1000 have proof. The truth is, Womb Twin needs donations more than ever, without her. So please give to one or both in Althea's memory. The other request Althea made, was that there be dancing. So, everyone in the USA, please do a dance for Althea when you wake up in the morning!
The need for her work in the world is invaluable to those who need it. Here is a letter from a womb twin on the East Coast which really sums it up:
I came to know Althea and the Wombtwin Community at one of the lowest points of my life. It was about 10 days after I had made a very serious suicide attempt. Somehow I survived and was placed in a mental hospital for about a week. They wanted me to stay longer, but it was almost Christmas Day and I wanted to go home.
A few days later, I happened to be on the internet and in the search bar I keyed in the words "I had a twin who disappeared" and it was like I rubbed the magic lamp, because immediately a plethora of things came up, most of them titled "Wombtwin Survivors". Wow!! I had never heard of that term before. For at least 50 years, I had felt like I should have been a twin, always felt the presence of another little girl, I had all the earmarks of a twin. I had been hospitalized in mental hospitals on and off my entire life. A lot of psychiatrists thought I had multiple personality disorder, I was delusional, etc. Nobody could tell me anything definite.
That was until December 30, 2008. That was the day the biggest light in the universe came on, and I found Althea and the world of Wombtwins. I wasn't alone! I wasn't delusional! I was part of a big, beautiful family all over the world.
Thank you, Althea, and God Bless you in heaven for showing all of us the way. I will be eternally grateful to you. Love Always, Kate
This is just one example of how Althea gave so much to others with her generous spirit, now go be still and rest in peace knowing you have given us a place to understand ourselves and learn how to do our dance.
Besides - If we don't Do Our Dance, who will?
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